Saturday, July 19, 2014


So, I have been on a Richard Laymon kick the past few weeks. He passed away in 2001 and I try not to read too many of his books so as to not run out of them. I reread Night in the Lonesome October and One Rainy Night. If gore and stomach twisting horror aren't for you, then run away!. But if you want horror, real scary horror, give a Laymon a try. 

I just finished Funhouse by Laymon, which I hadn't read before. It was pretty good. His usual stuff, which means compellingly readable and dread inducing. But the ending, well... it was crap. Not just over the top. Way, way over the top. It still wasn't as bad as most of Stephen King's endings (at least the ones that  I have actually made it to), which are horrible.

I headed back to Amazon, in search of the next book to read and noticed something in the reviews of various books that has bothered me in the past: There are people who absolutely hate "Happy Endings" no matter the genre or story.

Shouldn't the end of a story be appropriate to the story itself? I have always thought so but I get the feeling I am outnumbered.

I like Happy Endings. I like Unhappy Endings less, but if they seem appropriate, it won't ruin the story for me. The only endings I actively dislike, in movies or books, are the Sudden Fade to Black/Faux Daringly Ambiguous Endings (I'm looking at you Inception). But that's neither here nor there.

But the hatred of Happy Endings, for the sake of hating  happy Endings, reminds me of an ex-girlfriend of mine who liked to wallow in the misery of her horrible upbringing and consequently, avoided Happy things (Endings, Christmas, rainbows and smiling children) like the plague (There's a reason she is an ex-girlfriend).

However, Amazon tells me she wasn't alone. Far from it. I have always known this but have never been able to puzzle out the lure of dark, depressing things, like Unhappy Endings. I don't think  I will ever undertand it.

Been away a while...

Life, while being great and all, happens and laughs at our plans.  Life happened for me these past few months. While I was able to write a bit more in my Atoms & Arcana epic, I wasn't able to get much else done, outside of my real world obligations. But I hope that has changed and we have turned a corner.

I have discovered a few new daily reads:

Vox Day's (in)famous site, Vox Popoli.

John C. Wright's website. I discovered his books through the Vox Day site and I am glad that I did.

I have now finished Count to a Trillion and Awake in the Night Land. Where has this guy been all of my life? Wright has a way with the English language that is nothing short of masterful.

As for Vox, I have found him to be sometimes borderline offensive but always thought provoking. If political correctness is the neurotoxin slowly bringing Western Civilization to its knees, then the conversations that happen at Vox Day, and those like it, are the antidote.

I am reminded of a Carl Sagan quote regarding James Randi and feel you could apply the same to Vox:

    • "We may disagree with Randi on certain points, but we ignore him at our peril."